Black Tot Rum – A modern tribute to maritime traditions

Black Tot Rum celebrates the rich maritime history of British Navy Rum and brings this tradition into the present with modern craftsmanship. Deeply rooted in maritime history, Black Tot combines historical heritage with innovative rum blending techniques.

Black Tot Rum – A modern tribute to maritime traditions

Black Tot Rum brings the centuries-old tradition of British naval rum, known as "Navy Rum", into the present day. With roots deeply embedded in seafaring history, Black Tot combines historical heritage with modern craftsmanship to create exceptional rum blends.

Historical heritage

The name "Black Tot" comes from "Black Tot Day" on July 31, 1970, the day the British Royal Navy abolished the daily rum ration for its sailors. This date marked the end of a tradition that spanned over 300 years. Black Tot Rum honors this heritage by reviving the tradition of rum blending once made for the British Navy.

Unique blend

Black Tot combines carefully selected rums from the Caribbean to create a harmonious blend. Each rum contributes its own distinctive flavours to the complexity and depth of the final product. The blend includes rums from countries such as Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad, each known for their unique rum styles.

Modern craftsmanship

While Black Tot has its roots in tradition, the brand is firmly anchored in the present, using modern techniques to maximize the quality and flavor of the rum. This includes using natural ingredients with no added artificial colors or flavors.

Product range

Black Tot offers several rums, including the "Black Tot Finest Caribbean", a blend that combines the sweet, spicy and fruity notes of Caribbean rums. For the more discerning palates, there is the "Black Tot 50th Anniversary", which offers particularly rich and complex flavors reminiscent of traditional Navy Rum.

Cultural significance

Black Tot Rum is not only a luxury product, but also a cultural symbol that reflects the history and changes of the rum industry and maritime culture. The brand is committed to educating people about rum and its history through events and educational initiatives.