The Silkie Dark Irish Whiskey 0.7 l
The Legendary Silkie Dark Irish Whiskey , Blended Whiskey, 46% Vol.
Sliabh Liag Distillers have taken a bold step with The Legendary Dark Silkie to surprise whisky lovers with a new product - a rich, smoky and peated Irish whiskey. Inspired by the typical Donegal whiskey style of days gone by, Sliabh Liag Distillers have created something new, namely the best double-distilled single malts and triple-distilled, sherry-aged peat single malts blended with soft grain whiskey. Irish peat is used, which is based on heather rather than forest soil, with the result that the peat used is sweeter and less oaky than Scottish peat. The Legendary Dark Silkie is the second product in the Silkie Whiskey Collection.
Vol.: 46%
Capacity: 0.7 liters
Country of origin: Ireland
Colorant: Yes
Manufacturer: Sliabh Liag Distillers, Line Road, Carrick, Co Donegal, Ireland, F94 X9DX
Aroma: fresh apple and brine, spicy, dry notes of smoke, oak
Taste: sweet pipe tobacco, liquorice, dark chocolate, toffee
Finish: medium long with smoke