Der wohl waghalsigste Whisky ....Storm Kelpie der durch den Maelstrom schwamm!
The Gulf of Corryvreckan lies between the Scottish islands of Jura and Scarba. When the tide comes in, the third largest whirlpool in the world is created here. You can hear and see its roar for miles. When the wind blows from the west, waves up to nine meters high build up. For centuries, sailors avoided the strait, and the Royal Navy classifies it as "extremely dangerous." None of this deterred a handful of brave New Zealanders and their British friends from their plan: to swim across the Corryvreckan - with Bunnahabhain Staoisha Single Malt attached to their legs and floating buoys.
More maritime than any other Islay whisky, the bottling has become a product of its journey through the maelstrom, which rests for around 45 minutes at the height of the tide. And it brings another group of endangered swimmers into the public eye: New Zealand's critically endangered Maui dolphins. As a sponsor of what is probably the most daring whisky production in the world, Kirsch Import donates 10 percent of the proceeds from the sale of Storm Kelpie to Sea Shepherd, supporting their work for the world's smallest dolphins.

Storm-Kelpie is dedicated to the creatures from Scottish mythology that are feared by sailors. Signatory Vintage blended all the drams that survived the whirlpool to create the strongly smoky single malt with 46% ABV.
Everyone can and should judge for themselves whether such life-threatening actions deserve the necessary attention.
The same question also arises generally with Sea Shepherd and their approach to protecting the oceans.
The fact is that people have guts and are committed to the welfare of the animals and, ultimately, to us too.
10% of the proceeds from the sale of Sea Shepherd Spirits will be donated directly to the organization.
Here you can go less spectacularly directly to the Sea-Shepherd distillates

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