Cadenhead's Bunnahabhain 10 Jahre Single Malt Scotch Whisky

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Sofort-Kaufen-Preis: 70.00 CHF
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Alter : 10 Jahre Alkoholgehalt : 46,0% ABV Inhalt : 0,7 l Besonderheiten : Ohne Farbstoff · Ohne Kältefiltrierung


Crispy smoked bacon, sea salt, savoury peat.


Cullen skink soup, fresh mint leaves, an abundance of smoke.


Coastal notes, smoked tofu, creamy.

Cadenhead's Bunnahabhain 10 Jahre

Located on Islay’s north-east coast, Bunnahabhain distillery was founded in 1881 by William Robertson and the Greenlees. Due to the remoteness of the distillery, housing was built on site for workers to live in. This peated expression from the distillery has an abundance of smoke throughout with notes of crispy smoked bacon, cullen skink soup and coastal sea salt.

Artikelnummer : 4069

Produzent / Destillerie : J & A Mitchell & Co Ltd. · Cadenhead's

Land : Schottland

Region : Islay Region

Reifung : Bourbon Casks

Alter : 10 Jahre

Alkoholgehalt : 46,0% ABV

Inhalt : 0,7 l

Besonderheiten : Ohne Farbstoff · Ohne Kältefiltrierung



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